Directions - See maps for parking
areas.. You can try millers pond or some small side lots.. Description - You
can combine all 3 areas or 2 areas for a huge loop including some road.
The north section has some great slickrock sections with cool technicalities
and you can make somewhat of a loop out of it. Middle section starts
at millers pond after the metal bridge on the white trail (easy to miss!!).. THis trail is awesome, great tech's, but has some
moderate hike a bike in the middle - pretty much an out and back (or
combine with northwest for huge loop).. The norhwest is very cool
also but contains the longest hike a bike in CT to my knowledge (Ok its
not that bad).. A great ride actually with some cool high speed
downhills and some hard makes up.. This whole area (N, M, NW) is not
for beginners, whiners, wooses etc.... Its adventure mountain biking
at its finest - lots of vertical (for CT that is)