GPS information Page
Use any gps information downloaded from at your own risk.. Data could possibly be completely wrong, unclear, containing errors, not complete, misleading etc etc etc.. Before adventuring into the wilderness you should bring a hardcopy map to rely on for navigation (along with a compass, cell phone, emergency equip, etc..) Be prepared for the worst . Trails are constantly changing and new trails are added often.
All data available for download on is for personal use only. Data may not be posted to other websites or publications unless specifically granted by the owner's of LLC.
GPX data upload
Bikerag is pretty low tech as far as uploads go currently, but we would appreciate it if you emailed us any usefull gps information for rides listed or more importantly for rides we havent hit yet.. We can read gpx files, mapsource & .tpo files.
National Geographic Topo (this is the program Bikerag uses to create full color Topo trail maps)
- Great for making detailed Color Topo maps
- fine at getting data from GPS to program, not so fine for getting data BACK into your gps.. WHY??? WHY!!!!
- GPX capability extremely limited
- Trail colors limited to like 6, this is a big drawback
- Lat and Lon printed on map are extremely helpful when adventuring.
- No google earth interface, but pretty cool 3-d fly mod
-Tip you can convert your .tpo files to gpx with gpsbabel!! Hail gpsbabel creators
-Tip #2, using pocket topo interface you can truncate your massive (coverage wise, not file size wise) .tpo files by exporting to pocket topo, then opening back in normal topo and saving..
Garmin Mapsource
- Not as detailed or colored as N.G.
- No output to file option, must print on paper only (3rd party software would work though - like printscreen)
- Great at managing, importing and exporting to gpx!!
- Direct link to google earth
Google Earth
- Amazing program for viewing in 3-d
- Great at importing GPX data
- Little clumsy at managing gpx data
- Lots of colors, a few symbols but google allows you to import your own!!
- TIP - you can view a network of trails and make the colors say RED.. Then you can open a Route file and make its color YELLOW.. Result is you will see your route highlighted on trail map!!
- Google earth is FREE.. Click here to download
- Best Gps conversion program on earth, constantly updating the source code..
See bikerag State pages for links to gps resources (bottom of page, coming soon)