WV - Gauley Mountain Trail - Red Run - Right Fork - Tea Creek Mountain Trail - pictures

Overlook view - shuttle parking

NB & HLM on Gauley Trail

PMD on red run

SMR - OTB in the hot lips hole

Hes ok, but misses his pads

HLM finds the line

More red run action

Is that SMR crashing again, or is he picking up some moss..

PMD pose shot, sittin in a ditch

Tube stuffer need I say more, 1 of 3, an epic day of stuffing

PMD uses the time to clean her bike -

Sleezy stream crossing, no wadding, what a concept

One short hike a bike up some cool rock stairs, then some rock goodies

The hills are alive, with the sound of Puke - ing.

Tea creek rocks

Finally a shot of SMR on his bike

Ill have a side order of rocks, rocks and more rocks - YES..

Picture is worth 100 words - HLM went OTB - Hes off checking his testicles for intactment somewhere



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