Typical ST
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"Im so Free ride"
View of Rockville below
Mount Kineseve Lurking in the background
Short sections of rocky ST
Some wide open sections of slickrock - fun playground
Cave view
Gi huck
SSK - joining the Prime Climb team when she gets back??
Fun section on the way up, roller to tight boulder S-turn
SSK and PMD on the way up
Lots of cool rock
Viewpoint of PMD below
Incredible up
Jane contemplating the meaning of life, on a rock, in utah
Free ride dimmer switch starting to turn, nose wheelie roller
PMD gettin the groove
Fantastic catcus
Poser line, drop next to cactus
Or drop before cactus, you pick
Jiana in a cave on the edge of the bench
Rootbeer fear hucks again - Nice pic GI-Jane, his new forte is action photographer!
Airtime lip jump
GI - looking at the line, NO hes not qming..
SSK bouldering
cool wash section
Free ride = ON, shore style transition rock landing
PMD roller line
Sittin on the bench, on the bench, while hubby Jane hucks
SSK nice UP
Trail back home