Ohhh ahhh its fall - Fantastic Parking lot pic
Jane, air-ing the 2 awkward 1.8 footer under majestic - deforestification - new word again
Huck to shale landing, no thanks.. A little light on the amplitude, but I was a little slow to shoot too
Jane asked me to take this, so he can remember where to turn next time
These woods have good fen-shooey
Like father Like son.
Joe skirt on the new bullit.
Kona - looking for some peanut butter (on that pole)
Ohhh ahhhh - ridge view - everyone else is at work - hey wait a minute, im at work right now..
can you find joe skirt in this picture
This is a classic fantastic pic, and if you look closely you might see the benchmark called pissalot's pole
And actually, his pole is so big, you may still see it in this long distance shot.. Trouble is SOOOO jelouse!!
Air dirt, launches the 1.3 footer
Gi - Jane Stylin with new chrome frame
There is no contemplation
Hey kona.... Buddy... Come here.. Here boy.. Yes come slobber on my leg again.. Yesss yess good dogie..
Easy piece of singletrack (I took the hard line!)
Some canadian is jumping his old bike TWICE as high right now - DOH
Ok - this was the hard line - only Me and Joe skirt rode it
Off camber - handicrapped line
Sweet downhill
JD on line puke, "I see skidmarks"
Classic pic of a landing
Doggie drop inspector
BASTARD - now thats a nose wheelie - I assure you - he did not crash, but suspect his rear triangle is full of lead