The subject says it all - Rookie and I met at 6 and I failed to climb
every 5.11 and 5.10b the gym had to offer while rookie started
collecting 5.9's. MJB, MF (ally#1, hey or A1) and BM (black max or
hanibal lecter HL), showed up a bit later after mf got her roots dyed
and split ends snipped. Music was lame - I will DJ next monday, im sure
with better music I will make it up the blue white 5.10 a that MF nailed
(MF and PM signiture high 5). MF and MJB cheer me on for the 5.10b from
hell but it only gets me 1/2 way up ( I needed at least 2 more girls -
or grey goose strapped to a stick on my head) Mf did at least (2)
5.10a's!!!!! Im so proud I have tears in my eyes. Oh I was just at the
SMOKEY bar - anyway good job. MF offers dollar a minute "massages" but
no takers - MJB eagerly awaits a $20 for services rendered. Max only
climbed black routes and MJB did 5.8 PINK with some style points but
unfortunately no bush or crack action. smokey bar - dinner - drinks -
here are the highlights. First mf, mjb, bm and crazy lynn were almost
off the list and you don't even want to know what you needed to do to
get back on - oh my god im sick.... Ok So we drank (MJB FU-FU for
YOU_YOU--- HA), HB talked about her new slut mix and how its like I
wanna f-you not like im f'ing you. BM gets mjb's cherry (isn't that
insest or something?) well not in this town apparently. HB tales of
swimming in the shallow end of the gene pool and MJB ready to go topless
if we could just get one more drink in her. OH well - we can always
resort to an overdose of insulin. PM stood up by DDC - thank god (MF
will still pay dearly at the mere thought) - I can invite some choice
"men" for her next time - im thinking trout brook cellular boy. The
owner gives me sh!t within 20 seconds and then.... We did shots (thanks
eric) and I am now slllllipping into a sugar coma and dying - not even
vaguely nice to know you all!!! Suprize, your dead guess what???? ok -
faith no more tangent.... coming soon on evil mix #1.
The evening has not ended, we are still out there, some tied in phone
wire, some in alleys and parking lots drinking 40's and smoking crack
pipes, and you suckers are behind your desk, working for the man - oh
except for PP!
Rating - 2 scabby arms, a bruised knee, some toe cheese (the other,
other white meat) and dead frog parts in a can of peas
P.s. You suck, suck it hard go down baby