Rookie and I did some pretty nice climbing sat. although the rock was
packed. There was a rope every 10' (no joke). We showed up late so
people dissapeared pretty fast. Set up bushy grove 5.7 (really nice
climb). Rookie did some nice moves!, although he is still clinging to
the rock like a stranded crab after he reaches the 25' mark. Climb to
the left of bushy grove was 5.hard but doable, with very small holds.
Funniest thing I have seen in a while - little kid climber coming out of
the woods with one of those red climbing helmets on says "I see dead
people" - QOTD for sure.
Last night rookie and I had the whole rock to ourselves. Set up
vector 5.9 and side entry 5.6 (one rope!). Rookie up first gets
sketched out 20' up, then I climb the 5.6 (nice climb). Next up he
makes it 1/2 way up (big improvement). I climb vector, but cant make it
to the top because the rope is waaaay to the right. I fall and swing
20' (which was of course fun), and continue a new AWESOME climb (had to
be at least 5.10) to the top - tiny holds spiderman like moves. Vector
is nice!. Rookie then climbs 1/4 way up vector, then off route to side
entry. One more climb for me between the two routes up "lincolns nose"
- finally got it after 3 attempts. We leave and I decide to take a
"short cut" on the trail home since rookie was carrying the pack. I
guess Im not happy if were not leaving in the dark because we walked for
like 3 miles before getting out of the woods. Really I just thought
rookie needed the excercise. Stopped in to see lynn and she played some
revolting cocks for us (a must add to the sex mix). Mark must have been
in a rush to get home in the salara because I was driving at 105 mph for
like 2 miles and couldn't catch him - I see blue lights ahead and was
worried because he wasnt carrying any donuts.
Anyone up for a climb tonight - promise not to get us lost on the
way out!!! Let me know.
Do we still have a climbing group or is it just me and rookie??