Focker was out shopping for hand warmers, so shake and I met at PC for an epic climb. SOB was there and CLAIMED to have already climbed, but I saw no chalk on ther fingernails... Although unlike us she probably washes her hands every once in a while. WHo am I to talk for using the sick excuse for saturdays owls LIAR climb.. Hey its Ed and michelle once again - STOP FOLLOWING ME!!
THe warmup killed us last time so its the purina checkered 5.11- breast wall to start.. It was nice and firm (im thinking implants) so I cleaned it.. Although shake claims my foot brushed up against the arret twice - focker.. Shake on the new 5.9? luscious lavender FLASHES it - we are on a roll.. I try the new unrated awesome orange - walked up it like a 5.8 - completely disinfected.. Shake tries the 5.10a yellow - Flop flop FLop.. CLose but maybe next time.. New Pink unrated arret - I walk 3/4 up then dab once - By the time you come back from hungary barry, I will have cleaned it and you will probably be dumped.. Shake flashes the 5.8 red skipping most of the holds then helps Fire Marshal Ed with beta on 5.9 limey.. One more try to clean new pink leaves me hanging.. Oh quotes from "FME's" group - grab that small thing between your legs" - and yes they were talking to me - (I was wearing thin spandex again).. I talk shake into the breast wall (not barrell wall) 5.9 fantastic lavender - he firmly grabs the extra testicle hold but is unable to grab the nub.. And it was a little nub..
FME is off to the skywall, so shake and I, for some odd reason, decide to spectate (a rarity).. OH MY GOD was it worth it.. So Ed ropes in to climb the 5.8 orange climbs up to the first roof and falls like a lead balloon.. Well - his belayer (nickname FLOOR_____) gets lauched up so high that they collide in mid air and then he drops him TO THE GROUND.. Remind me never to catch a ride from him - indoor climbing was never so dangerous. Anyway shakes done.. I decide to flop on the 511b orange I have never gotten off the runway on.. Amazingly I at least flop up it..
Nice climb -
Rating - Every once in a while I keep it "clean" for a rating just so everyone doesn't think im such a sik mother focker. So tonight's climb was a 4 scoop ice cream Sunday banana split with nuts and reddi whip on top. You wish it was that easy don’t you!!! Unfortunately we ran out of bananas so you have to settle for some jim bobbit flesh sliced in half (veins exposed), and working on the whipped cream as we speak but my hands are so sore I can barely pop this cue ball sized zit thats right in the middle of my back... POOF - There it goes, a pile of cheese for the whole family and it’s a bonus night because you even get an olive sized bloddy blackhead in lieu of a cherry. Well we all know where you can find the nuts for the top and I assure you they wont be crunchy, and as far as the actuall Ice cream??? Well barry has been saving his cream up in a mason jar, so just add ice and there you have it a clean family show rating..