Sunday PC recap - BTB and cha cha chilla pet finished up when we
arrived, the rest of us - Seniore P, Project Gumby, gramma shake alot
and me the whiney bastard.. Barry, please dont tell others I am good -
they may take it the wrong way.. SP takes the new pink expressway down
and finds many rest stops on the way.. Gramma - or the wicked witch of
the east waits in his car for the weather to let up - im a little
dissapointed - and we were making so much progress with him... - back to
therapy. If your going to possible spend a week in the jungle with army
chick, I suggest an umbrella... Yes im done... Ok Shake did do some
nice climbs anyway - 99% of the 10b DJJJJ went down (DUDE!!!). I
cleaned the 5.11+ blue balls, and dabbed once on the 5.10b skywall
(SWEET!!!). Pink Project was spread like a 3 dollar whore on the 5.8+
flourescant snot bastard (so was I but thats a story for another day!).
PP showing some nice spread eagle climbing techniques on the 5.9 blue,
but rejects my offer of all the spare change in the xterra. She CLAIMS
to be a bit more expensive (what a prude!).. She may come to allys
party in her new "phone wire" outfit.. OK SP's new project is the
5.10a green inverted, snot nose climb.. My suggestion for you gary
is.... Dig deeper, then smear it on the wall, use it as a hold and move
on.. Gary sticks 2 fingers (and god knows what else) in the hole on 5.
pink project. I skipped that hold - what a mess.. New yeller breast
wall - ugh - brutal 5.golden shower, gary cleaned it. I slept under
the skywall in a pile of magic dust "and a little bit more for santa
clause, and a little bit moore for santa clause....." Shake and I lounge
and watch the aussie chick aim her missles with pin POINT accuracy..
Yes im in the gutter, speaking of which - theres a service in SW that
cleans gutters for $30... I wonder what else... OK so SP travels on the
limp route home and shake is still waiting at PC for the wind die down.
Call 911. PS - PMD was busy singing in the church choir, and is
thinking of becoming a nun.
TUESDAY - CLIMB, then Party at allys..
Rating - just 12 days of siphlis
on the 12th day of xmas my true luv gave to me...
12 twahts a twitchin
11 testicles tingling
10 nipples nippling
9 lessies licking
8 gaping assholes
7 scrotums swinging
6 sacks of sh!t
Fiveeeeeee mother f#$kers
4 c@#k suckers
3 french ticklers
2 brass balls
and a hum job in a pear tree
Next week - silent fart, holy fart ( I know your on the edge of your
SEAT for this one!) Oh - (might want to hold your breath too)