Sing it!! ---- his name was barry.. barry the bastard.. he flopped
up the wallahllllahllll.. on the 11d.. pretended not to see me.. And
then he bouldered.. So we just left him.. went to the smokey
barararrrrrr.. No we dont go far.. it was so emty.. gary had to
Pee..... sorry for the CC tangent it woke me up this morning.. Anyway
Gumby, Combo Kid, seniore P, Barbie, BTB and myself climbed.. well sort
of. I started with the VIRGIN pink project (first up), cleaned it,
Gumby with sloppy seconds then CK and SP for dessert. SOme quotes -
"Dont talk about girls when you have one on the end of your rope" by
gumby "gumby - can you do mark after you do me?" I would think that
gumby could stretch herself and do them both at the same time. Seniore
P nails 5.9 orange julius. The pink virgin whiped me out, missed every
other climb. Speaking of virgins gumby doesn't like small holes... OH
holds.. Gary admits to having more practice holding onto small things.
CK almost gets 5.10 black nemi.. Barbie showing some nice moves.. BTB
did make a climb - barely - it was the 5.6 red.. OH a new definition
"tennis elbow" is the new keyword for hand job.. Sorry but I have to
take credit for that one KT. Some facts.. Gumby does not like to be
peed on or licked by other girls.. "you dont know until you try" Lots
of trash talk at SB I was embarrased.. Mark looked like he was on crack
(and he probably wishes he was - but WHO?).. Oh too funny bastard - "I
had to go to a meeting in glasonbury" barbie - "what another aa
meeting" the fine line between AIA and AA. "I havent had a drink for a
week" - PM actually guys it was 6 days (a bakers week). Did I miss
anything impotant?
Rating - its early for a recap.. I still have cheese in my eyes.. My
climbing shoes stink so bad max just ran away from home.. Your mama so
fat I tried to swerve around her and I had to fill the car up with
gas... UHhhh>> I have to go to a meeting with a bunch of bloody
architects.. Interpretation 4 bloody architects covered in EYE cheese
being crushed to death by none other than your fat mamma.
PS - for CK - what am I doing up so early? I have another AA meeting
this morning.