Monday - ragged - shake (alias cry baby soup girls grandmother), and I
went for a cold climb. Setup stone-age 5.9+ and broadway. CBSGG like
an airplane without wings couldn't seem to get off the ground, way too
much whining "im cold", "I cant feel my f!@#@$ing hands", "its windy"
"the rock is cold" need I go on?. It was 55 and sunny shake get a
grip. Shake did make it 1/2 way up broadway but got scared when a
ranger was telling us our ropes were about to rip a 6" diameter tree out
of the ground?!?! I climbed stone-age, put my face in the bush, hand in
the bush and repelled down below shake the belay bitch and climbed the
pukemaster slab (YYBT yo yo belay technique). Broadway, and carolyn
really nice climbs, but carolyn was too far off the rope, I jumped off
at the top and swung full speed towards the block and bounced off it
DOH!! I called MF 1/2 way up broadway to imform her that I was climbing
and she was indeed at work - bastard... We run into KG, eric, becky,
and friend on the rock. KG is a riot, he is running around with a 3 ft
stick with toothbrush duct taped to the end so he can clean up the
rock?? We tell him to run, not walk to the patent office, and explain
that its really for that girlfriend who has the really stanky breath.
Might want to package that invention with a 10 ft pole if ya know what I
mean. Becky gets ecouragement from me on vector 5.9 and broadway 5.8 -
first time climber!!!, I high five her at the top of broadway, and
almost fall off. And by the way she is climbing in a t-shirt CBSG.
Shake did climb the pukemaster slab. And the stone age climb was just
as good as those routes set up in the sucky gym.
rating buckets of puke ice cubes ready for your next tall drink,
pukecicles for the kids.